Steve Kidd's Quiz: Typical Format, 81 Questions

Standard format for an evening's buzzer quiz. No paper, no cheating, this quiz uses your ipads, tablets and mobile phones using SpeedQuizzing technology and is the best thing since sliced bread. It's awesome, it's fast and it's more fun than a monkey circus.

Setting up

  1. Download the SpeedQuizzing App onto your android device (It is available from all app stores, Apple, Google play, etc., type in 'SpeedQuizzing' and you should find it))
  2. Be at the quiz!
  3. Activate your SpeedQuizzing app.
  4. Choose a team name (at the top of the opening screen on the app)
  5. Connect (big button on screen)
  6. Give me £2 per person on your team
  7. Pick your team sound (like a buzz, but more fun)
  8. Prior to the quiz proper starting I will ask you to tap your screens to make sure they are working

Now this format may be tweaked a wee bit occasionally, but by and large the quiz goes something like this...

Round 1: 20 Warm ups

2 points for each correct answer, 1 point bonus for the fastest buzz

The Keypads
On 'keypad' rounds there are three different ways you may use to deliver your answer...

A full alphabet keypad, in which case give the first letter of the name (ignore words like 'the' and 'a' at the begining, eg, if it were a picture of The Beatles, you would press 'B')

An 'options' keypad, with just the letters A to F. I will read out some multiple choice options to answer a question, you just tap when I say what you think is the right one

A numbers keypad containing 0 through to 9 plus 'reset' (C) and 'send' (enter) buttons. If this comes up tap the correct number THEN SEND (I always forget to send when I'm playing)

Don't panic, I will always tell you what kind of screen to expect, so you don't really have to remember owt.

Round 2: 10 Pictures

2 points for each correct answer, 1 point bonus for the fastest buzz

You will have a 10 pictures beamed to your screen. When you recognise who or what it is tap the screen and deliver your answer via the revealed keypad

  • Bonus Feature - 'Go Wide' A lot of the time, if you are not sure of an answer, you can always press two different buttons on the alphabet or multiple choice, or tapping an 'go wide' on the numerical questions. This will half your points but potentially double your chances of being right. Your call!

  • Round 3: 10 Current Affairs

    2 points for each correct answer, 1 point bonus for the fastest buzz

    After the pictures there will be ten current affairs questions. These will use the the same keypads and scoring as the picture questions, the only difference being there is no picture to press. I cannot stress highly enough to keep up with current affairs, and the best way to do so is to subscribe to the twitter feed @currentquiz, which breaks the news down into Tweet sized chunks and enables you to keep your finger on the pulse without being bored shitless by TV correspondents standing outside a house where Ken Barlow may have got his knob out 500 years ago. The feed should be just alongside this, so, scroll down and learn...

    Rounds 4 & 5: 20 themed questions

    Usually 2 points for first correct answer, - 2 if wrong, 1 points for everybody else who agrees or disagrees correctly

    For these 20 questions your device will be a simple buzzer. No letters, no numbers - just press! If you know the answer to the question buzz in as quick as you can. If you are first on the buzzer I will l ask you for your answer. Weather it is right or wrong I will accept it; then I will ask everyone else to press their buzzers if they agree with you, or leave their pads alone if they think you are wrong. Increased points - increased jeopardy!!

    Example: I ask "What is the capital of Aus..." and Fred buzzes, and I shut up. He says "Canberra" I accept his answer and finish the question: "What is the capital of Austria?" and then invite the remaining contestants to buzz if they agree. Nobody agrees, and everybody gets 3 points, apart from Fred who loses six! Yeay!!

    Variations of games include

  • 'Linking Letters' where the answers share initials or another communality in spelling or whatever,
  • 'True or False' which is back to the keypads where you will get questions asking you weather something is true or false, pressing A for true and B for false, for example If I said "Is SAVING MR BANKS a Tom Hanks film:" you would hopefully press the 'A' button on the multiple choice key pad, and get 2 points for the correct answer and a bonus 10 for being first. No Go Wide on this (obviously) and
  • 'Tunes' when you have to identify the ten artists in the ten records played, using your full alphabet keypad; just tap the first letter of the artist, for example if you heard "Mama, just killed a..." you would be in on Q for Queen as quick as you could.

    Round 6: 20 'LightSpeed' questions

    2 points for first correct answer, Eliminated from next question if wrong. Like round one but with more complex questions and slightly different scoring. The intention is that as the question wears on it becomes more easily getable.

    Round 7: 'Nearest too'

    Welcome to The Last Chance saloon. One final question worth 10 points. The answer will be a number. Whoever is closest to the correct answer will get the 10 points, in the case of two teams with the same number, the first press will nail it.

    That's that for the time being. If you want a quiz, contact me.

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